This article addresses the problem of how human personnel management can co-exist with algorithmic management.


Algorithmic management is essentially about using algorithms to assign tasks to your workforce automatically.

Algorithms are used extensively within the gig economy and incorporate the following:

  • Monitoring. 
  • Goal setting.
  • Performance management.
  • Scheduling.
  • Compensation.
  • Job completion functions.

Employers' requirements for efficient employees drive algorithmic management systems. However, a review of 45 studies indicates that employees do not like being managed by algorithms. This study showed that algorithmic management has a negative impact on employees as follows:

  • Reduces task variety and skill use.
  • Reduces autonomy regarding when and how long to work. 
  •  Creates uncertainty and insecurity about employee performance and worry about how algorithms rates and ranks employees.

This article suggests the following:

  • That a more people-focused approach be considered.
  • That algorithmic management can coexist with dignified, meaningful work.
  • Transparency and accountability is the key to ensuring workers understand what is being monitored and why.
  • There must be a system to allow employees to talk to a human manager about their concerns.



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