Hunter and Scott argue that the 2022 Russo-Ukraine Conflict has three key leaders, each of who use a different type of leadership.


This article by Sam Hunter and Gina Scott Ligon, writing for The Conversation, make the following points:
  • Zelenskyy, the charismatic hero: In Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the world has found its charismatic hero, albeit a reluctant one. Zelenskyy has inspired his people in the current crisis and become a global icon.
  • Putin, the ideologue: Russian President Vladimir Putin embraces his role as an ideological leader. Putin most directly illustrates the ideological leadership style in his overarching desire to return Russia to the era of Stalin and Lenin.
  • Biden, the pragmatist: Pragmatic leaders seek a path forward by solving problems, attempting to achieve influence through logic and rationality rather than emotional appeals—and that is Biden’s style.


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Source: Conversation The

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