Employers are increasingly facing difficulties due to the international digital skills shortage; therefore, they need to train their own people to develop and apply emerging technologies.


The demand for digital skills continues unabated, with supply outstripping demand.
  • There are three types of digital skills employers seek:
  1. Skills that are required to develop the technology.
  2. "Hybrids" that combine business and technology skills.
  3. Basic generic digital literacy skills.
  • The most in-demand skills are hybrids; these include business and systems analysts, project managers, business development, and sales and marketing.
  • People are needed for digital innovation. 
  • Innovation is not just about making new technologies but also about coming existing technology to do different things.
  • Employers are starting to focus more on a person's actual skills than on their credentials.
  • Employers need to know how to assess and develop skills.
  •  Approaches such as work-integrated learning and micro-credentials help people transition into digital roles.


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