The criterion for determining the types of AI are the degree to which an AI system can replicate human capabilities.


As the use of artificial intelligence (AI) increases in prevalence, the capability improvements are not the only effect to consider. The second and third order effects on society also need to be considered. These include the effects of the inevitable phasing out, and creating anew, of certain employment types. It also includes the equally inevitable tipping point created by this social and economic displacement and change. Which developing nations, and how widespread the effect created, will be determined by how well the AI can reliably and safely replicate human capabilities, and what type of AI is utilised. Where providing cheap labour previously lifted many developing nations out of poverty and created a new middle class, numerous types of AI are poised to evolve human working history. It's important to know what types are being employed and how, if we are to be ready and able to deliberately plan viable options.