Brain-Machine Interface technology has the potential to improve the lives of people with a disability, but without regulation, it may be open to abuse.Summary
Brain-Machine Interface technology (BMI) is an emerging technology backed by, among others, the entrepreneur Elon Musk. Musk describes this technology as a sort of symbiosis between humans and artificial intelligence (AI). For example, it can allow a person with quadriplegia to control a robotic arm by thought alone. BMI may come at a cost, as governments and corporations may be able to gain some control over our brains. Note the following:
- Potential for humans to become cyborgs.
- In a court case, the right to remain silent might be jeopardised by BMI.
- What happens to the legal right to remain silent?
- BMI could be used to force conformity of thought.
- People might become increasingly dependent on BMI.
- Like nearly all types of technology, BMI is likely to become monetised.
Worth considering that if BMI is possible, is there any way to prevent governments and organisations from using this technology in ethically questionable practices?
- Feb 2021 ABC Brain-Machine-Interfaces - brain manipulation or brain control?
- Feb 2021 Bangkok Post The benefits and risks of neural interfaces
- Feb 2021 CISION Drop The Mic. Cognixion Just Previewed What Hands-Free / Voiceless Control Will Be Like For Augmented Reality - Using Your Mind.
- Mar 2021 Springer Link Connecting Brain and Machine: The Mind Is the Next Frontier
- Mar 2021 Unite Researchers Use Brain-Machine Interface To Generate Attractive Faces Based On Personal Preferences
- Mar 2021 Nature Index Call for human rights protections on emerging brain-computer interface technologies