The BBC reports that the chip designer ARM Ltd’s method of designing chip architecture—might be how all new microchips will be designed in the future.


The past few years have seen advances in phone and computing technology unimagined a few decades ago. Tech companies are constantly working on the next big breakthrough. Many tech companies, such as Arm Ltd —recently purchased by NVIDIA for 40 billion USD—are currently working on dedicated artificial intelligence (AI) chips; and are also trying to develop chip architecture to meet the requirements of quantum computing. Industry giants such as Microsoft, IBM and Google have invested vast sums of money into quantum research, but progress has been slow. Advocates claim this much-hyped technology could eventually help solve complex real-world problems. These problems, because of their complexity, are sometimes described as wicked problems. The BBC notes that one British company Cambridge Quantum Computing, recently claimed that it had:

 'ground-breaking proofs that reveal quantum computers can learn to reason under conditions of partial information and uncertainty.' 

Researchers hope that quantum computers will perform in areas of uncertainty, including diagnosing medical conditions from scans to predicting where financial markets are heading.



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