The Benefits and Challenges of taking International Assignments

20 min Source: HR Leaders with Chris Rainey


The pro's and con's of overseas employment opportunities can affect your professional confidence in unfamiliar environments..


Within the ADF there is sometimes the opportunity to be posted overseas. It could be in the form of a posting, a deployment, an exchange, or to participate in a project or visit. Whatever the length or the purpose, the challenge is to learn from the experience and to share what has been learned with your organisation. An overseas posting can be challenging, and it is often difficult to define the role and expectations of the host country. Bridges shares her experience of the benefits and challenges of working overseas. She notes that the benefits of international assignments in helping to broaden horizons through opportunities to learn from, and work with, different cultures. Consider Bridges' experience and whether your overseas experience improved your knowledge and professional confidence to operate in an unfamiliar environments.