The rigged test of leadership.
The ‘Glass cliff’ refers to organisations in trouble placing a person from under-represented groups, such as women, into leadership positions—when whom-so-ever was in the job was bound to fail.Summary
Breaking the glass ceiling into a leadership position can lead to a ‘glass cliff’ for underrepresented groups. According to equity activist and author Sophie Williams, the ‘glass cliff’ occurs when the chances of success have been limited before the new appointee has even started in the job. Williams discusses two reasons why women, in particular, fall off a ‘glass cliff’ :
When a business is in trouble, women may be appointed to lead often without the support and resources to overcome the problems.
Women might be seen as more disposable, more expendable, making them good scapegoats.
To prevent leaders from falling off a ‘glass cliff,’ we can look at our own biases and try to see the value in all people all of the time. And not just see them as a possible scapegoat.
- Aug 2020. Business Insider. ‘The psychologist who coined the term ‘glass cliff’ explains what it is, and why companies need to be more wary of it now’
- Mar 2021. Fast Company. ‘Why Women Are Still Falling Off the Glass Cliff’