This article from Wonderful Engineering identifies five benefits that organisations such as the police force, private companies or other government departments can gain from using Automatic License Plate Recognition (ALPR) software.


This article from Wonderful Engineering identifies the following five benefits of ALPR.

  1. Enhanced Security:  When installed together with CCTV video surveillance, it can provide greater protection of premises.
  2. Reduced Resource Requirements: Less staff are required to monitor and access information related to ALPR.
  3. Improved Accuracy:  Eyewitnesses are notoriously inaccurate and can result in a court case failing to get a conviction. ALPR can provide the license plate and make and colour of the vehicle.
  4. Improved Efficiency:  Visitor vehicles can be recorded automatically and traffic flow, resulting in more effective road and parking use.
  5. Provides Practical Data: Can provide valid data to inform future strategic decision making.


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Source Information: Wonderful Engineering Home Page