Saying sorry within the workplace too frequently and within the wrong context, can break down effective communication and damage relations.


Apologising is a natural part of workplace communication, but there are pros and cons to saying, “I’m sorry.”
While saying sorry is meant to express care and empathy in the workplace, it’s often not the most effective way to take accountability. It’s not authoritative, it’s not assertive, and sometimes people appear more powerful when they don’t apologise.
Maurice Schwietzer of Wharton School recommends these alternate strategies for acknowledging a misstep without saying I’m sorry:
  •  “I’m taking responsibility for this, and here’s how I plan to fix it.”
  •  “Thanks for your patience”
  •  “I noticed you have a lot on your plate. Can I help you? Do you need a break?”
Be aware that not apologising after a misstep can also backfire. The best application of “I’m sorry” is when you’ve done something that directly impacts another individual.


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