Although there were cyberattacks on Ukrainian Government agencies and banks in February, the anticipated major cyber attack on Ukraine hasn’t occurred.


This article by Lesley Seebeck, writing for ASPI, makes the following points:
  • The limited cyber activity in the current Russian invasion of Ukraine may recognise the constraints of cyberattacks in warfare.
  • The Ukrainians—government, community and supporters—have used social media effectively. 
  • Ukrainian social media has helped stem Russian attempts at disinformation.
  • Lessons for Australia include that perhaps we should be sceptical of reliance on cyberweapons for achieving substantive outcomes.
  • Nation-states don’t have a monopoly over the use of cyber (hacktivist and criminal groups are taking sides in the current conflict).
  • The role of technology companies has become increasingly important, as governments no longer have control over cyber weaponry.



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