Australia is concerned about PNG allowing China to develop an industrial-sized fishing park in PNG waters.



In the Torres Strait, Papua New Guinea (PNG) and Australia are just 4 kilometres apart. The PNG government and a Chinese government-backed fishery company, have signed an initial agreement for a 'multi-functional fishery industrial park' on PNG's Daru Island. The problem is that there are not enough fish in the area to sustain a major fishing complex. The two major concerns about this agreement are that:

  • This park could be used by China as a military resource.
  • China has a history of unsustainable fishing practices which could undermine Australian Torres Strait Islander's efforts to be economically sustainable. 

There is a fishing agreement between PNG and Australia. Note though Australia's Saibai Island is only four kilometres from the PNG mainland. On the upside, this development might provide an export outlet for Australian products direct to China. Do you think Australia needs to worry about the development of a Chinese fishing park in PNG?




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