Now that the Biden administration is in office, Australia must take the initiative to ensure we get the outcomes we consider that we need for our region.


ANZUS has been the cornerstone of Australia's defence since 1952. Under Trump, US global influence declined. President Biden, Trumps successor, faces many domestic challenges. Therefore, Australia must be proactive and pragmatic in keeping the US engaged with our region. Kurt Campbell's appointment as head of a new National Security Council position to oversee the Indo-Pacific should be good news for Australia as he has experience in our region. Australia has relied upon the US-led rules-based global order since 1945. This order is now under threat. Australia and the USA's regional challenges are: 

  • Rising economic and strategic competition.
  • Ongoing grey-zone confrontation.
  • Political interference.
  • Cyber-attacks.
  • Climate change (resulting in more humanitarian relief being required).
  • Impact of COVID-19 pandemic.

Australia now needs more than ANZUS alliance sentimentalism so we must demonstrate that we are a valuable ally. Consider why our alliance with the US remains a crucial component of our defence and foreign policy.



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