In the future, our ability to think deeply about a topic will differentiate us from machines, but the current workplace has too many distractions making it difficult to practice deep thinking.



While it's hard to predict the nature of future work, current trends in automation and artificial intelligence (AI) indicate—it's going to be different. Chris Westfall, US Business Coach, contends that our ability to think critically about ways to innovate, to be creative and to lead through change is the way of the future. He argues that deep thinking in the current workplace is difficult as continuous distractions are making it hard to focus. To improve thinking skills, Westfall advises us to concentrate on developing these simple but essential skills:

  • Stop the busyness by minimalizing distractions.
  • Find the time to think.
  • Invest in deep work by listening to others and collaborating.

Start the process by reading this article about the thinking skills likely to be required in the future. Then consider the various strategies you can use to improve your ability to think in your current and—possibly—your future workplace.



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