Five major cyberattacks occurred during 2021, most of which were Ransomware attacks.


Written by Ahmed Khanji CEO of Gridware, a cybersecurity company. This article lists and describes what it considers to be the five major cyber attacks that occurred during 2021, as follows:

  1. Colonial Pipeline    A ransomware attack on the largest petroleum pipeline in the US severely impacted fuel supplies.
  2. JBS   Another ransomware attack on one of the biggest meat processing companies globally.
  3. Florida’s Water Supply   Another ransomware attack this time on a water utility company, which was made possible because this government agency was using outdated software.   
  4. Channel 9   An attack on Australia’s Channel 9 brought production to a halt.
  5. Kaseya   And yet another ransomware attack on approximately 800 Swedish stores, stopped these stores from using their cash registers. This attack was made possible because of a cybersecurity failure in the company, Kaseya, which was supposed to be providing the stores involved with cybersecurity.

See previous runway posts on Ransomware:
