The traditional model of the leader-hero is not appropriate in today’s environment. The author of this article presents five attributes that he believes characterizes leaders who are at the helm of some of the most successful companies today.


This article by Hubert Joly, writing for HBR, identifies the following five points:
  1. Be clear about your purpose, the purpose of those around you, and how that connects to your company’s purpose.
  2. Be clear about your role. Your mindset determines whether you generate hope, inspiration, and energy—or bring everyone down.
  3. Be clear about whom you serve. A fundamental element of purposeful leadership is to be clear about who you serve, both during good and challenging times.
  4. Be driven by values. Most companies have great values, but values are no good if they remain on paper.
  5. Be authentic. This starts with making ourselves vulnerable, including acknowledging what we do not know.


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