This article claims that cyber capability can be ‘a weapon of mass destruction’; recent US-Russian talks are a step in the right direction towards regulating cyberspace.


Former Cold War rivals, the United States and Russia, recently met in Geneva to discuss, among other things, ideas on regulating cyberspace. As the author of this article, Richard Haass, says, it should be no surprise considering that cyberspace is of huge importance to modern societies—and cyberattacks are cheap and easy to carry out. Russia—along with China—is accused of becoming more aggressive in cyberspace and has been accused by the US of gaining access to critical infrastructure and using social media to influence US politics. The USA’s enthusiasm for a free and open Internet has begun to wane as cyberattacks become more frequent and more intrusive. But the US is not entirely innocent in the area of cyberattacks, allegedly using malware to sabotage Iran’s nuclear weapons program. Regardless, Haass believes any agreement on regulating cyberspace is a good place to start. However, even if an agreement is reached, ensuring compliance could prove difficult.



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