If there is favouritism by the boss in the workplace—whether perceived or actual— it can cause broader social issues for the individual and impact workplace effectiveness.Summary
An unnecessary workplace issue is the perception or reality of the boss favouring a subordinate. Being a boss's favourite can bring individual rewards such as trips away, attending conferences and seminars, preferential tasks and insights into what's happening in the organisation. Conversely, it can also cause angst and animosity among peers leading to decreased morale and workplace disruption. Rebecca Knight, correspondent and lecturer, highlights how being the boss's favourite can alienate you from your peers and can be career-limiting. It might not be a good idea to 'hitch' your prospects to the one person who may move on or change the relationship's nature. Within Defence, close relationships can form during training courses, inter-service sport, or peers working together; relationships can changes when one gets promoted over others. Both the supervisor and employee need to be acutely aware of the context in which the relationship operates.
- Apr 2021 HBR ‘Managing a Top Performer Who Alienates Their Colleagues’
- May 2021 HBR , ‘Savvy Self-Promotion’
- May 2021 Forbes Mistakes To Avoid If You Report To The CEO