The Deputy Chief of the Australian Army, Natasha Fox, delivered a speech highlighting the Human Rights Commission Review in 2012, which revealed the discrimination, harassment, and sexual misconduct within the military that was damaging the people and undermining trust and respect among members.


Major General Natasha Fox, in her address to the UN, noted the following:

  • Australian Defence Force partnered with Human Rights Commission to address issues
  • Implemented 63 out of 65 recommendations from the Fast Jet Pilot project in 2016
  • Increase in qualified fast jet pilots from 0 to 5 in 2017
  • More fixed-wing pilots and air battle managers
  • The partnership ensures work to advance women in the military happens with them, not to them
  • The solutions provided are pragmatic and lead to a cultural shift to include women
  • Efforts not solely focused on representation


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