A new study discovered that people who worked from home believed their productivity increased, whereas many leaders said they could not detect any difference from working in the office.


This article by Rachel Packham, writing for UNSW Newsroom, makes the following points:
  • Almost 60 per cent of employees stated that their productivity was higher when working from home.
  • Conversely, two-thirds of managers thought that productivity remained the same whether the work was conducted at home or in the office.
  • It was also revealed that managers and employees perceived the impact of mental health on employees working from home differently.
  • While most employees reported they had not experienced any negative health and safety impacts of working from home, more than half of the managers surveyed believed they’d noticed psychological impacts on their staff.
  • The study also revealed a mismatch existed between preferred and actual working arrangements.
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Source: University of NSW (UNSW)